Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Savoy Theatre, London

This photo shows the entryway to the Savoy Theatre, London, as well as the Savoy Hotel.  Watchers of Topsy-Turvy might recall that D'Oyly Carte and Sullivan were settling Sullivan's money towards the new hotel.  Sullivan actually became a manager of the Savoy.  This theatre is where most of the Gilbert and Sullivan operas premiered and ran, the home of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company.  The first show performed at the new theatre was Patience, which transferred to the Savoy upon the theatre's opening.  Iolanthe was the first show to premiere at the Savoy.  The hotel had closed for major renovations, and just reopened last October.  (Fun note:  The winner of a recent season of Hell's Kitchen won the position as executive chef at the restaurant at the Savoy Hotel.)

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